Banja Nena Naile, Kosovë - Kllokot
+383 44 666 006


[dt_sc_tab title=”The Traditional Thermal Water”]

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The Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation “Nëna Naile”, the Spa in Kllokot, is rich in thermo-mineral water in all seasons.

The researches made by the National Institute of Public Health and the Laboratory Institute Dr. SCHELLER from Germany, show that the thermal water of the Spa in Kllokot with a temperature up to 38°C, contains all the necessary elements, which make it suitable for the rehabilitation of a considerable number of diseases.

For therapeutic purposes, we use the thermal water in Kllokot for drinking and in the bathrooms. You can use the thermo-mineral water in our Spa”Nëna Naile” by washing your whole body or just locally. We offer group and individual bathing in our pools specially designed for this purpose.

Water temperatures range from warm to hot. The short bathing with the cold and fresh mineral water is preferably for some nerve and mental illnesses, to increase the tone of the nervous system.

In general, for the treatment of most diseases with indication, most often we apply bathing in with warm water at temperatures 32-38 °C.

The climate, thermal water, organic food, physiotherapy, going away from the daily mental and physical stress, along with the comfort and quality service 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, that the professional medical staff in CPMR”Nëna Naile” offers to its patients and clients, make a combination of factors to achieve the best results possible.

[dt_sc_tab title=”Prophylactic Therapies”]

In the recent researches it is increasingly emphasized the importance and role of Spas in disease prevention, this includes our Spa “Nëna Naile” in Kllokot too.

Researches show that the professional application of therapies in Spas increases the body’s resistance to diseases.

First of all, it is thought in the current contemporary diseases, of which is mostly in danger the urban population, due to lifestyle changes which can be prevented by balneotherapy application.

Timely application of balneotherapy for rheumatic and heart diseases, can lead to the prevention of the consequences which lead to partial disability or total disability, very early in life.

Balneotherapy has a great social and medical importance in preventing early aging, especially today when the population structure is changing and the number of elderly people is constantly growing.


[dt_sc_tab title=”Massage”]

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Within the complex of the CPMR (Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) “Nëna Naile”, except the recognized physical therapies we offer you Massage as well.


[dt_sc_tab title=”Tourmaline Sauna”]

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Within the complex of the CPMR “Nëna Naile”, except the recognized physical therapies, there is also the Sauna Tourmaline and the Lampa with Frequency Spectrum, which it makes it possible for the treatment of a large number of diseases and contributing to the beautification of people; for example, weight loss, body building, neck pain, shoulder pain, waist pain, limb pain, and muscle strain injuries.

Tourmaline can accelerate the blood circulation and metabolism, draw out toxins and balance pH values of the human body.

Sauna Tourmaline is used to treat the following illnesses:

  1. The Respiratory system: sore throat, rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, asthma;
  2. The Cardiovascular system: hypertension type I and II, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, coronary artery disease;
  3. The Nervous system: neurasthenia, insomnia, trigeminal neuralgia, gastrointestinal disturbances due to stress, migraine, diarrhea and anxiety;
  4. The Gastrointestinal system: gastric ulcers, esophagus inflammation, allergic colitis, constipation, diarrhea and anxiety;
  5. The Endocrine system: diabetes mellitus type 1, menopausal problems, premenstrual syndrome, hypogonadism, thyroid hypofunction;
  6. The blood system: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, iron deficiency anemia;
  7. The Urinary system: prostatitis, prostatomegaly;
  8. The Osteomuscular system: healing of fractures, heel pain, rheumatism;
  9. The Ophthalmic system: cataracts, glaucoma, myopia in teenage;
  10. Skin diseases: herpes zoster, neurodermitis, itching, eczema, contact dermatitis, burns, all kinds of wounds;
  11. Collagen diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis of the shoulder;
  12. Curative therapy after chemotherapy;
  13. Beautifying effects on the skin.


[dt_sc_tab title=”The Frequency Spectrum Lamp”]


The use of the advanced equipment of Frequency Spectrum is an excellent way to cure neck pain, shoulder pain, waist and foot pain also muscle strain injuries.

In accordance with the measurements made by modern technology, the human body constantly radiates electromagnetic wide waves, to cover remote infrared and millimeter weak waves.

The therapy device produced through the use of the principles of bionic and electronic technology can stimulate the approximate range of human radiation and during the work it can transform electromagnetic energy in Bioenergy that can be absorbed easier by the human body.

Based on the coordinating principles of absorption, it contributes in the production of thermal-biologic effects and non-thermal effects on the pathologic sites. It facilitates the physiological and biochemical responses of the human body. This makes it very important for the human body in the treatment of diseases and health care.


  1. Orthopedics and Traumatology:
    Cervical spondylosis, soft tissue injury, lumbar muscle strain, osteoarthropathy.
  2. Medical department:
    Bronchitis, asthma, chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, chronic hepatitis, constipation, diarrhoea, chronic prostatitis.
  3. Surgery department:
    Prevention of wound infections and poor wound healing.
  4. Dermatology:
    Herpes, eczema, neurodermitis, burns, decubitus ulcer, frostbite.
  5. Gynecology:
    Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, dysmenorhea (disorder of the act of menstruation).


[dt_sc_tab title=”The Physical Therapies“]

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Besides the natural therapies with thermo-mineral water and peloid, the Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation “Nëna Naile”, offers sophisticated curative and rehabilitation therapies, like other Spas in Europe:

Magnet therapy
Laser therapy



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